Czech escort girls and ladies are well known, round the all wordl, for their beauty and inteligence. Thanks our escort agency you have a chance spend your holiday time with them. Our beautiful girls will promenade you over Prag, they show you prettiness of day and night Prag. Escort agency ESCORT GIRLS offers you many beautiful, young and clever girls. Each of them will be glad to visit you in your hotel whenever you feel alone. You can also take the girl to the society.. And what the girl can do and what they love..? I would like to help you with selection of particular girl so that the moments you spent in her company would be unforgettable. If you will don´t know, which escort lady choose, our experienced escort operators will be gladly to help you and recommend the right Prague escort girl precisely for you. Each of the girls is special but all of them are highly professional.Czech escort girls.
Prijde chlapek na policejni stanici a pta se:
"Prosim vas, kde tady mate bonzarnu?"
"Az na konci tyhle chodby, posledni dvere vpravo."
Chlapek podekuje a vyda se urcenym smerem. Prijde ke dverim, zaklepe, vejde,
pozdravi a hned spusti na pritomneho prislusnika:
"Mam souseda a ten ma na zahrade slozeny drivi."
Policista se na nej podiva a rika:
"No, to nam ale nestaci, musite mi rict vic."
"Von toho drivi ma sto metru a je dovezeny z Nemecka."
"To nam ale porad nestaci."
"Ale von v nem pasuje zlato!"
Policajt se usmeje, vezme telefon a zacne planovat akci. Bonzak spokojene
odejde domu, otevre si pivo, zvedne telefon a vola sousedovi, kteryho prave
"Tak jsem Ti, Josef, objednal to sekani drivi a mam pocit, ze to bude stejna
parta, ktera Ti na jare zryla zahradku."
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